Wednesday, 12 February 2014

Cosmosaurus Texture Update

I took the time and re-textured some of our props for the cosmosaurus short to push the cartoon aspect a bit more. All props diffuse map only, no bump, no specular.

1. Hammer 2. Saw 3. Toolbox 4. Welding Goggles
(all currently 2k diffuse map)

Sunday, 9 February 2014

Texturing Practise

Spent the evening working with the Texturing tutorial of Fanny Vergne on the Vertex 2 magazine. This is my result:

 I started in maya modeling a really simple tiling floor plan. (Tiling a bit too obvious as I found out in the end)

 Finished zBrush Sculpt, duplicated a few times (and crashing my machine)

 Compositing and painting in photoshop for the stylized look. xNormal for baking normal maps.

Final texture rendered in Marmoset.

Really nice tutorial, learned a lot from it. Will do this more often and get a bit more familiar with zBrush and Photoshop.

Tuesday, 4 February 2014

Cosmosaurus Cover

Production for Cosmosaurus (animated short) is wrapped up, now our team is starting post production. The short is expected to be released early April.

Saturday, 1 February 2014

Cosmosaurus Update

The production for our animated "Cosmosaurus" short is nearing completion and next week we are entering the post-production phase. I spent a lot of time this block texturing the vegetation and the main character. I also set up the lighting and rendering pipeline for our milestone presentation.

Vegetation Texturing (models by Elwin Westerink)

I created the textures using a combination of polypainting programmes and hand painting in Photoshop.

All models have a diffuse map only and texture sizes vary from 512x512 (small plants) to 1024x1024 (trees)

Cosmosaurus Textures (model by Emiel Strijker)

This is the main character for our little animatic. His aim is to be the first dinosaur to reach the moon. I'll keep you updated if he will succeed. I used 3D-Coat and Photoshop to texture our little friend.

This shot shows all the assets I have textured.

I hope to share the final animation soon.