Friday, 9 May 2014

Harbour and Graveyard

Haven't updated in a while, because my laptop decided to stop working at all. Thanks for dropbox and external hard drives. Took me a week to find a machine to work on for a while and now I am trying to catch up.

The first zone the player will get to see is the harbour:

landing point of stranded player

pier and city entrance

of course the city is built next to a giant waterfall

city entrance + merchant area, planning to add some carts and market stalls 

view from water #1

view from water #2

On the top of the mountain there will be a graveyard. Need to put a lot more work on the atmosphere here.

That is it for today. For the next update(s) I'm planning to add a panorama platform next to the waterfall at the mid level of the mountain, a lighthouse, maybe a shipwreck and expand the city. Oh god, there is a lot to do. 

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