Sunday, 7 September 2014

Catching up

It's been a very exciting 2 months and I didn't have the time to post any updates. I attended GDC Europe as a volunteer and met some wonderful people during my time at Cologne and had a chance to talk to a lot of people at Gamescom as well. 2 weeks ago I moved to Amsterdam where I am currently working as an Environment Art Intern at Guerrilla Games.

Now for some game art: I recently started working on a portfolio piece. I chose the well I will be using in my large scene to create a vertical slice of the quality of the environment and for some personal practice.

I sculpted the model in zBrush and baked it down with xNormal. 


Textures are a mix of zBrush and hand painting in Photoshop.

 I am currently still working on the platform the well is standing on and the composition of the whole scene.