Tuesday, 27 May 2014

Behind the Mountain

Made progress on the side and back of the mountain area. After the town area, the environment changes to a more grim and dangerous place. The roads get narrower and more adventurous. Nearly worked my way up the mountain. Up next is the bridge area and the graveyard. Got 2,5 weeks left for the blockout.

 Panoramic Bonus Shots:

Thursday, 22 May 2014

Let there be Light(house)

I added a lighthouse as a landmark for the player to get a better sense of orientation since the waterfall and the castle next to it are not always in sight. I also fixed a bit of the layout in the lower areas and gave the player a bit more space to move around. And yes, I am still blocking out ;)

...next time I'll show where this path is leading to.

Sunday, 18 May 2014

Moving up

As I am pretty happy with the lower area (pier and market) I started working my way up the mountain. I changed the layout of the waterfall a bit and added a lot of rocks and vegetation. Next to the waterfall now is a platform for the player to catch a nice view of the environment. Other minor changes include replacing rockwalls by man made walls, adding stairs, pavements and working on the lighting which is as the rest still work in progress.

Thursday, 15 May 2014

Market Square and The Way Up

For this update I have worked on the market square which is right next to the harbour and the entrance to the mountain, which needed to be a bit more "epic". Market still needs some work but gotta focus on other parts for now.

Friday, 9 May 2014

Harbour and Graveyard

Haven't updated in a while, because my laptop decided to stop working at all. Thanks for dropbox and external hard drives. Took me a week to find a machine to work on for a while and now I am trying to catch up.

The first zone the player will get to see is the harbour:

landing point of stranded player

pier and city entrance

of course the city is built next to a giant waterfall

city entrance + merchant area, planning to add some carts and market stalls 

view from water #1

view from water #2

On the top of the mountain there will be a graveyard. Need to put a lot more work on the atmosphere here.

That is it for today. For the next update(s) I'm planning to add a panorama platform next to the waterfall at the mid level of the mountain, a lighthouse, maybe a shipwreck and expand the city. Oh god, there is a lot to do.